Saturday, June 26, 2010

Purse Essentials

I know i haven been updating much for the past few days!
Been so lazy and out and about.
Thursday, I met with Bea and at our usual spot Kino.
She read some zodiac,horoscope books and i was at my usual magazines.
Picture standards are dropping. Write ups are all not as good as before i realize.
Or sometimes its just the same concept .
So.. today im going to share with you what you should have in your purse!
Also, what i usually have in mine.

A womens purse is her lifeline.
1)Tissue/Wet tissue
For messy sneeze, Touch up , Spills,(For kiasu typical aunties)Can book table!
Glosee and Compact powder is fine.
3)All purpose cream
A small bottle is fine. Hand and nail cream . Btw Neutrogena sells very good hand cream at a cheap price.
4)A mini swiss army knife
In case some ti ko come attack you. But i dont have it in my bag cause im always afraid that it will cut my bag if i dont keep it properly.
6)Pepper spray
-Protect yourself from vampires HAHAHAHA. So welcome Jacob :P
7)Needle or thread
-fashion emergency. Black and white colour is advised
8)Hand sanitizer
-Dettol! (spl?)
-In case you dont have any water by your side
10) Notepad and pen

Thats all! the 10 purse essentials!
Now i tell you mine. I think only 4 or 5
-My cheap school Scheduler and pen
- Tissue
-Lip Balm
-A story book
-so when im going somewhere far , i can read it during my journey
-Small bottle of perfume
-Pastilles (blackcurrant is my favourite)
and sometimes my homework... :(

Ok i need to head to work soon. Get a quick nap and early dinner.

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