Monday, February 18, 2013


Amidst all the troubles I have gone through the past few weeks, I'm so thankful to my friends who
stayed by me all this while. :')
During one of the horrible nights, one of them drove me to salted caramel to have my favourite waffles and
ice cream.
Time will heal everything but as long as I have them, I'll find myself again.
Planned myself a short overseas trip in March after my exams and before a gruelling 6 months of internship starts. Stoked.

One day, you'll start to miss me. You will realize how good you had it, and how much I loved you.
How I would have done anything for you, and how my life literally revolved around making you happy.
On that day, I hope you remember you were the one who let me go.

You don't destroy the things that you love.

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